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Le deal à ne pas rater :
-28% Machine à café avec broyeur à grain MELITTA Purista
229.99 € 318.99 €
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 I learned a lot from here so it's time to pay back.

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I learned a lot from here so it's time to pay back. Empty
MessageSujet: I learned a lot from here so it's time to pay back.   I learned a lot from here so it's time to pay back. Icon_minitimeMer 3 Aoû - 2:55

Hello. i used dvdfab, and i got the dvd downloaded but not in ISO format, instead it was in video_ts and audio_ts format, i couldnt get that into dvdshrink either, is there a way to load that onto DVD Shrink, or is there a way to use dvdfab to get a dvd formated as ISO?are there any other programs that will shrink this stuff down so i can put it onto a regular dvd?
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I learned a lot from here so it's time to pay back.
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